Crying Lightning

by Arctic Monkeys

Guitar Pro Tab  |  v5.10  |  Posted on Feb. 22, 2012, 6:55 a.m. ← Back

Guitar Pro Tab Summary



Song Author

Arctic Monkeys

Tabbed by



1st → Track 1
2nd → Percussion
3rd → Track 2
4th → Track 5
5th → Track 4
6th → Vocals
7th → Track 6
8th → Backing Vocals

File Size

58 KB




Out-side the ca-fe by the cra-cker fac-to-ry, you were prac-ti-cing a ma-gic trick. And my thou-ghts got rued a-s you tal-ked and chewed o-n the last of your pea-can mix. Said you're mis-ta-king if you're thin-king that I've been called cold be-fore as you gli-sten to your straw-be-rry lace. Then I fi-gure your a-tten-tions in the form of a Gobb-stop-per, so you had left and it was go-ing to waste. Your past time's con-sis-ted of the stra-nge and twis-ted and derr-ange-d And I love that li-ttle ga-me you had called cry-ing light-n-ing And how you'd like to agrr-o-vate the ice cream man on rai-ny af-ter-noo-ns. The next time that I caught my own re-flec-tion it was on it's way to meet you think-ing of ex-cu-ses to post-pone. You ne-ver looked like yo-ur-self from the side, what your pro-file coould not hide the fact you knew I was app-roa-ching your thro-ne. Wi-th fol-ded ar-ms you oc-cu-py the bench like tooth-ache, stored and puffed your chest out like you ne-ver lost a wa-r. And though I tr-ied so not to sort for the in-dig-ni-ty of pre-ac-tion, there was no cracks to grab or gap to claw. And you-'re past ti-mes con-sis-ted of the strange and twis-ted and derr-anged and I hate that li-ttle game you had called Cry-ng light-n-ing, and how you'd like to ag-rro-vate the ick-y man on rai-ny af-ter-noo-ns A-ll in-vi-ti-ng, but now that is-n't po-ssi-ble 'cause ev-ery-one a-ssumes you a-re Cry-ing light-n-ing Your past times co-sis-ted of the stra-nge and twis-ted and derr-an-ged And I hate that li-ttle game you had called Cry-ing light-n-ing Cry-ing light-n-ing Cry-ing light-ning Cry-ing light-n-ing Well yo-ur past times con-sis-ted of the strange and twis-ted and derr-anged And I hate that li-ttle game you had called Cry-i-n-g